Welcome back Swallow Class
The first four weeks back are going to be some of the most important weeks of Swallow Class’ time in primary school. We will be revising hard preparing for our SATS. The attitude towards SATS before Easter was excellent and it was lovely to see children showing such determination and resilience in our most recent practice papers.
We are really looking forward to seeing what the final term of Our Lady’s has in store. There is a lot planned and we look forward to lots of exciting celebrations and memory making that we will experience.
In English, we start by focusing on our grammar skills and embedding these through our text series, Genius of the Ancients. Throughout the term we will continue writing for a range of purposes and audiences to prepare the class for writing opportunities in Year 7. Our Maths sessions will continue to work through Power Maths where we will be securing our mastery approach and embedding our skills to problem solve.
RE will include the study of Pentecost, Reconciliation and the amazing work CAFOD does. This is really important for children, especially as they begin their ascent into the community. Humanities begins with our topic on the Vikings, learning about their beliefs and their reasons for invading and settling in Britain. Next half term we will move onto our final geography topic of Being a Geographer; investigating and conducting fieldwork. In computing we will be developing our programming skills on Scratch and other platforms.
Transition will be of utmost importance and we will complete this through PSHE sessions and informal chats and conversations. Children will have their transition days at their selected schools towards the end of the year.
Many thanks, Mr Meech, Mrs Daunton and Miss Wilby