

Welcome Summer Term!   


It has been wonderful welcoming all the children back and seeing them settle into our classroom routines. 


We are continuing our class dojo reward system across our school, whereby all the children need to accumulate dojo points to earn bronze, silver and gold awards respectively. The children need to follow our school rules of being safe, respectful and ready. These expectations are set across the entire day therefore a child can receive 9 points a day for demonstrating these behaviours. We have all made it to our Bronze award now and we are close to us all achieving our Silver Dojo’s which is amazing!


We have started in English by continuing our learning sequence exploring the purposeful techniques used in both ‘The Lucky Dip’ film and ‘The Voices in the Park’ text, which will lead into our own story writing focusing on point of view. 


This will then transition into our learning around information text writing. We will focus on the beautiful book; ‘The Big Book of Blooms’, which will suit the summer term perfectly.


As mathematicians, we are continuing our learning around fractions and decimals. 


This is an important time for us in Eagle Class with the multiplication check approaching. All children should be concentrating and working hard to know their times tables up to 12 x 12. Please continue to practise these!


We have commenced our journey in humanities to look at our Summer History topic, all about Our Local History. During RE, we will begin by focusing on our topic of Pentecost and ‘New Life’. I am looking forward to seeing the children develop their enquiry and oracy skills over the next coming weeks. 


All children have been shown and engaged with Dojo and so I will continue to use this platform to set weekly homework tasks for all the children to engage with. 


Thank you to everyone for your continued help in supporting the children’s learning. I am very excited and proud to be teaching the children in Eagle class and hope you are looking forward to hearing about our learning and seeing some of the amazing work we produce. 


Many thanks, 


Miss Greenwood and The Eagle Team