
Religious Education

At Our Lady's R.E. is central to our school life and is one of the core subjects and as such it has a prominence on the school timetable, not least because we believe it is important for our children to have some understanding of all faiths, cultures and traditions, respecting the beliefs of others.  In this way we hope that our children will learn to ask the big questions about life, religion and spirituality, and form their own views and opinions, while remaining open to learning about other theologies and philosophies.

'Leaders at all levels are committed to preserving and developing the Catholic identity of the school and to providing a holistic approach to the education of their pupils'.
S48 Inspection March 2020

Through RE we encourage our children to uphold British values of tolerance, democracy and lack of discrimination.

'Teachers are enthusiastic and motivated individuals who work with leaders to ensure the best outcomes can be achieved for the pupils in their care. They seek to actively engage pupils at the individual’s appropriate level'.
S48 Inspection March 2020

Along with other CAST schools we use the Come and See Curriculum  and we are moving, with guidance, over to the Religious Education Directory (RED) with EYFS and Year 3 following this curriculum currently.  Through this scheme of work we teach the children about the Catholic church, but also about other faiths. Children learn to relate stories from the Bible and other faith backgrounds to their own lives and experiences. They are encouraged to think for themselves and share opinions with others.

'The leader for RE has a good oversight of her subject and provides invaluable support for her colleagues on induction and throughout the year'.
S48 Inspection March 2020

Mrs Cohen is the lead for R.E in the school and works closely with advisers and colleagues from CAST to ensure we are always striving to enhance the Catholic Life of the school.  If you would like to discuss any aspect of the Catholic Life of the school please contact either Mr Meech, Miss Wilby or Mrs Cohen on the main school number.
